About Me:

I am studying B.Tech Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering and Inter Disciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) Robotics at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M).

I am a robotics enthusiast constantly aiming to explore and learn new technologies in the frontier of autonomy. I am interested in robotics and its practical applications in autonomous systems and technologies. Currently, I am exploring it's applications in the field of Marine Autonomy.

Currently, I am working on an Autonomous Surface Vehicle Project MATSYA, where different Guidance and Control algorithms are being tested and implemented both in simulation and practical. A practical implementation and validation of the Integral LOS Guidance and PD Controller has been performed at the Institute Lake. More information about this can be found here (publications). To find more information about this project, please visit the ASV Project. Furthermore, various guidance and control algorithms for waypoint tracking and path following will be explored in the future. The traditional and reinforcement learning (RL) based controllers will also be implemented and validated.

Glimpse of Field Trials with MATSYA

Hobbies and Other Activities:

I have also written some articles about automobiles for a Startup named "Speedloop AUTO". You can have a check at it by clicking on the link or "Writings" on the top bar on the HomePage. Make sure you also visit the cool Startup SpeedLoop AUTO.

I am also a Cricket buff and love to play Cricket. I have also tried writing a few answers on Quora and have one written on Cricket. Make sure to read the answer. Make sure you also visit my Quora Profile to find more answers (link).

Contact Info:

E-mail Id: jadhav.aditya127@gmail.com

S-mail Id: na18b103@smail.iitm.ac.in

LinkedIn: Aditya Jadhav

GitHub: adityajadhav99

Cell No.: 8796042141