My Resume

Courses taken at IIT-M

Introduction to Robotics (ID6040)

Introduces the electrical, mechanical and computer science concepts applicable to robotics. It is a bridge course for the Interdisciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) program in Robotics at IIT-M.

Principles of Guidance for Autonomous Vehicles (AS5570)

Introduction to different Guidance Algorithms (Pursuit, Line-of-Sight) for an autonomous vehicle tracking a target.

Introduction to Field and Service Robotics (ED5315)

Introduction to the theory behind and applications of field and service robots. Basic understanding of the kinematics and dynamics of field and service robots. Appreciate the role of sensing and perception in the design of autonomous robots.

Control of Automotive Systems (ED5330)

Basic understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in designing control schemes for automotive systems. Applications of modern control theory in automotive systems.

Mechanics and Control of Serial Robots (ED6007)

Learnt about the kinematics, dynamics and control of serial robot manipulators, such that they can be modeled mathematically and simulated using computer programs.

Reinforcement Learning (CS6700)

Understanding and formulation of the reinforcement learning problem using the Markov Decision Process. Introduction to different learning algorithms like Q-Learning, SARSA and it applications. Learnt about usage of deep neural networks (DQN, DDPG) in the field of reinforcement learning.

Ship Dynamic Positioning (OE5055)

Learnt about mathematical modeling of ship dynamics and fundamentals of control theory applied to ship motions. Learnt about Guidance, Navigation, and Control applied to ships.

Machine Learning for Ocean Engineers (OE5510)

Learnt about machine learning as a tool which can be applied to solve various problems in the field of Ocean Engineering.

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LinkedIn: Aditya Jadhav

GitHub: adityajadhav99

Cell No.: 8796042141